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= Fortran
== ベクトルの演算定義モジュール
=== 使用例


=== モジュール

001 module vector_operation
002   type vector
003      real(8) :: x,y,z
004   end type vector
006   interface operator(+)
007      module procedure vector_plus_vector
008   end interface
009   interface operator(-)
010      module procedure vector_minus_vector
011   end interface
012   interface operator(*)
013      module procedure inner_product
014   end interface
015   interface operator(.x.)
016      module procedure outer_product
017   end interface
018   interface operator(*)
019      module procedure scaler_times_vector
020   end interface
021   interface operator(*)
022      module procedure vector_times_scaler
023   end interface
024   interface operator(-)
025      module procedure minus
026   end interface
027   interface operator(/)
028      module procedure vector_over_scaler
029   end interface
030   interface operator(/)
031      module procedure vector_over_vector
032   end interface
033   interface operator(.times.)
034      module procedure vector_times_vector
035   end interface
038 contains
039   ! Definition of summation operator for vector
040   function vector_plus_vector(a,b) result(c)
041     type(vector), intent(in) :: a,b
042     type(vector) :: c
043     c%x = a%x + b%x
044     c%y = a%y + b%y
045     c%z = a%z + b%z
046   end function vector_plus_vector
048   ! Definition of subtraction operator for vector
049   function vector_minus_vector(a,b) result(c)
050     type(vector), intent(in) :: a,b
051     type(vector) :: c
052     c%x = a%x - b%x
053     c%y = a%y - b%y
054     c%z = a%z - b%z
055   end function vector_minus_vector
057   ! Definition of inner product operator for vector
058   function inner_product(a,b) result(c)
059     type(vector), intent(in) :: a,b
060     real(8) :: c
061     c = (a%x * b%x) + (a%y * b%y) + (a%z * b%z)
062   end function inner_product
064   ! Definition of outer product operator for vector
065   function outer_product(a,b) result(c)
066     type(vector), intent(in) :: a,b
067     type(vector) :: c
068     c%x = (a%y * b%z) - (a%z * b%y)
069     c%y = (a%z * b%x) - (a%x * b%z)
070     c%z = (a%x * b%y) - (a%y * b%x)
071   end function outer_product
073   ! Definition of scaler times vector
074   function scaler_times_vector(a,b) result(c)
075     real(8), intent(in) :: a
076     type(vector), intent(in) :: b
077     type(vector) :: c
078     c%x = a * b%x
079     c%y = a * b%y
080     c%z = a * b%z
081   end function scaler_times_vector
083   ! Definition of vector times scaler
084   function vector_times_scaler(a,b) result(c)
085     type(vector), intent(in) :: a
086     real(8), intent(in) :: b
087     type(vector) :: c
088     c%x = a%x * b
089     c%y = a%y * b
090     c%z = a%z * b
091   end function vector_times_scaler
093   function minus(a) result(b)
094     type(vector), intent(in) :: a
095     type(vector) :: b
096     b%x = - a%x
097     b%y = - a%y
098     b%z = - a%z
099   end function minus
101   function vector_over_scaler(a,b) result(c)
102     type(vector), intent(in) :: a
103     real(8), intent(in) :: b
104     type(vector) :: c
105     c%x = a%x / b
106     c%y = a%y / b
107     c%z = a%z / b
108   end function vector_over_scaler
110   function vector_over_vector(a,b) result(c)
111     type(vector), intent(in) :: a, b
112     type(vector) :: c
113     c%x = a%x / b%x
114     c%y = a%y / b%y
115     c%z = a%z / b%z
116   end function vector_over_vector
118   function vector_times_vector(a,b) result(c)
119     type(vector), intent(in) :: a, b
120     type(vector) :: c
121     c%x = a%x * b%x
122     c%y = a%y * b%y
123     c%z = a%z * b%z
124   end function vector_times_vector
126   ! Function(s) for type(vector)
127   real(8) function abs_vec(a)
128     type(vector), intent(in) :: a
129     abs_vec = sqrt(a%x*a%x + a%y*a%y + a%z*a%z)
130     return
131   end function abs_vec
133 end module vector_operation